Today marks the 42nd anniversary of the creation of the Paracas Reserve

Consolidated as one of the most important tourist attractions in the country, the National Reserve of Paracas (RNP), in charge of the National Service of Natural Areas Protected by the State (SERNANP), celebrates today 42 years since its creation.
Among the various activities of celebration was held the conference cycle “Tourism, biodiversity and paleontology in the RNP” in the cities of Pisco and Chincha with the aim of integrating the local population and, above all, strengthen the knowledge to love and respect more the National Reserve of Paracas.
Juan Carlos Heaton Alfaro, head of the National Reserve of Paracas, thanked the participation of all the speakers and each of the attendees to the conference cycle where he also spoke about the benefits of the Natural Protected Areas (ANP) in local development.
The guests also spoke about the Conservation and sustainable use of high Andean biodiversity, Tourism as a strategy for conservation, The importance of Protected Natural Areas for the conservation of cetaceans in the RNP, Importance of coastal wetlands for the conservation of the shorebirds of the coast of Peru, the quality of water resources and Paracas Archeology.
The importance of PNAs for artisanal fisheries was also discussed, as well as the status of the invertebrate fishery in the Independencia Bay and the environmental interpretation of the tourist attractions of the RNP.
CREATION. The Paracas National Reserve was created on September 25, 1975 in order to conserve a portion of the sea and the desert of Peru, giving protection to the various species of wild flora and fauna.
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